Thursday, April 17, 2008


The life has been non-stop. Which is non-stop good.

Since January?


Started teaching my own yoga and athletic training classes at The Gym. Still teaching at The Other Gym.

Painted for two shows at local theatres and was asked to charge their latest (I turned it down due to time constraints).

Several auditions in Denver which led to several acting gigs, some paid, some not. For the next two weekends you'll find me in the Mile High City shooting a student film about a female assassin (that's me). The weekend after that we're shooting a promotional segment for a horror film, which you'll be able to watch on youtube. This summer I'll play a chica named Melanie in a short film. I. Am. Excited.

Played some tennis.

Took some salsa dancing lessons.

Modeled for an uber-talented photographer in Greeley.

Joined a volleyball league (1-1 so far).

Went skiing. (I'm not even kidding.)

Right now, I'm attempting to find a new place to live (my sublet is up on May 31) and balancing all the crazy fun stuff without doing too much damage to my paychecks (the downside of the flexible schedule) and without neglecting my new friends.

Summer's comin'. I don't know what that means.