Friday, June 13, 2008

Moving as a hobby.

The sublet on my delightful and large Constitution Ave. apartment was up on the last day of May. I started looking for a new home in March and was down to the wire two weeks before I had to move.

There's a long story involved here, and it's boring to me nowadays, so suffice it to say that there was a place I wanted to move and I found out I could move in there three days before I had to be out of my first Fort Collins home.

I moved in on a Saturday. Another long story short, I moved out on Sunday amidst a lot of crying on my part. Seriously. I was a pansy.

But you would have been, too. It was not pretty. But it's done. And I have my new little (temporary) home close to work, very cheap, one roommate, one giant pile of stuff in the middle of my bedroom floor. My stuff, mind you. But I have no where to put it at the moment.

And it's making me restless. I'm already packed. Maybe I should just....move?