Saturday, August 18, 2012

South Dakota, Nebraska, and Colorado: a vacation?

This time, yes.

Three weeks ago, I was coping with the fact that I wouldn't be visiting the States for awhile. Brent and I were both disappointed, as we had mapped out a little Denver-area festival that included all our favorite restaurants, camping, and theater, but we understood that staying put this time was in pursuit of a greater good. It's just too hard to leave a blossoming business for two or three weeks.

But suddenly the opportunity for a trip arose, and five days later I was flying standby from Buenos Aires to Atlanta to Minneapolis to Rapid City, my sister having arranged a stealthy airport pickup so I could surprise everyone else. Brent stayed home, so it's been nothing like the trip we envisioned taking together, but we'll save that one for another time.

A couple of days at the ranch were spent mostly outside with the dogs, breathing clean air and enjoying the summer. I drove with my aunt to Omaha to see Jack and Avery and my two nephews, the newest of which is just a couple of weeks old. Shauna had arrived at their place the day before, so the little boys had three days with three aunts, all of whom brought gifts (but I was the only one who brought gifts from Argentina, so THERE).

From there I drove to Denver, and spent a beautiful couple of days with Brent's mom -- girl talk, long walks, dress shopping. I had such a great time with her that I hardly noticed the dentist appointment I had to sneak in. (Except now, when my jaw still hurts. I'm noticing it now.) My CO time did feel a bit rushed, as I had several appointments to make and very little time to make them in. There are so many people I wanted to see, but I didn't even tell most of them I was there, since I knew there was no way I'd have time to see everyone.

Now I'm back in Rapid City, having lazy days and finishing up the last-minute shopping before going home, which will probably be on Tuesday.

Remembering that streets can be clean and customer service people can be helpful and air can smell good and traffic can stop for pedestrians makes it a little hard to go back to the city, but Buenos Aires is home for now. The break has been great (necessary, even), but my tolerance for that place has been reset and it's time to get back to my friends, enjoy what I enjoy about BA, and hug the wonderful man who's holding down the fort.