Sunday, January 18, 2015

Spelling Lesson


That's Colombia, with two "o"s. ZERO "u"s.

This is how you spell the name of the country where I live. North Americans tend to get confused, I think because we have Christopher ColUmbus, ColUmbia University, ColUmbia Sportwear, ColUmbia South Carolina, and so on. But there is no "u" in the name of the country.

Thank you.

Sunday, January 04, 2015

December happened, so we went to Ecuador.

Our first trip to Ecuador: December 17-23. It was a bit of an unexpected trip, at least as I booked the tickets. We just wanted to go to Panama for Christmas, but they were far pricier than normal and I realized it would be just an extra $20 to do a multi-destination flight than it would be to just go to Panama. Welcome to Quito!

It's a HIGH city, and even though we were coming from MedellĂ­n, which is about as high as Denver (where Brent grew up and where I lived for three years), we both noticed the altitude as we were walking around. Especially because Quito is also very hilly. Being, as it is, in the mountains and all.

We had a great time.

We rode up the Teleferico (like a ski lift, no snow) and saw a llama.

Unfortunately, the rest of the pictures are on my phone and I'm having trouble getting them HERE where I want them. So, hopefully, more soon. We did do more than see a llama. Though that was pretty awesome.