Friday, March 13, 2015

Back to electric.

As I was typing that last post, the gas guys were there saying they still couldn't hook up the gas because the meter had never been used. Brent said, well, that's why you're here, to HOOK IT UP. They reused. He wasn't sure if they were trying to make more money or if they really couldn't do it or what, but he'd had it. I don't blame him. He's been the one waiting around the apartment for gas people who show up at 1:00 pm after they'd said they would be there "first thing in the morning."

So, they left. Still no gas.

The owners came by later, just before I got home, to apologize and say they'd bring us an electric stove the next day.

Which they did. The cabinets, fixed to accommodate the gas we'll never use, got put back in. The flat-top electric range has been installed.

We are, just in time to pay our second month's rent, cooking. To celebrate, Brent brought home Vietnamese take-out.

Monday, March 09, 2015

Now we're (still not) cooking with gas.

We got the keys for our new apartment on February 15. The property manager told us to let him know when we could be there for the guys to come and hook up the gas so we could, you know, cook and stuff. We said that Friday.

He called back the next day to say that we didn't get to schedule at our convenience, but rather that the Gas would call within the next 20 (that's TWENTY, yes) days to say when they could come.

So we waited. About two weeks later, we got the call.

They showed up and said sorry, we can't hook up the gas because some dumbass built a cabinet directly over the nozzle, which is an obvious fire hazard, and also there is a cabinet directly above the stove without any protective element, also a fire hazard.

The property manager shifted into high gear and got someone over the very next day to take the cabinets out in order to fix them.

At that point the gas guy was able to come back. Which he did. And he said sorry, we can't hook up the gas because the line is full of water.

What the WHAT?

So, a few days later some guys came to clean the line. It was so bad that they couldn't get it done in one shot, so they're back today to work on it.

Brent thinks that perhaps the gas had never been hooked up to this apartment, because the line is so ridiculously full. Not a great sign.

At any rate, the cabinets are still not back. The gas is still not hooked up. Also, I am at the mall because we can't get internet at home yet, either.

At least I've got my puppy.