Sunday, May 17, 2015

Springtime Here and Away

Obviously, I fell behind here.

Spring settled in to Medellín. The rains were heavy in April, but there were still periods of just pleasant cloudy weather. That pretty much ended in May and it's getting hot again.

Internetty things got busy very quickly, and we still don't have access at home so I've been setting up my "office" at the Juan Valdez coffee shop in the mall near our place. This means I only work online for four to five hours a day instead of the marathon sessions I'd likely be doing (and need to be doing) at home.

The good news is that it has given me more time with Máximo, who is growing like a little champion...

...and time to train for the marathon. That was been going incredibly well, better than I ever imagined it could. Now here we are, just three weeks left until the race. I'm back in the States and running on dirt (and sometimes in the rain). Weirdly, I'm looking forward to race day.