Monday, June 15, 2015

2015 P.M. (Post-Marathon)

I'm practically living online now, with more and more computer projects taking my time, so when it comes time to write something here, I usually don't.

We've had a great time in the States--such a long visit was really welcome for me. Brent came after I did, so he hasn't been here as long. He went up to SD to watch me run the marathon, which turned out to be a very wonderful experience. I was very happy with my time of three hours and 57 minutes.

It feels weird to be done with that. I spent four months spent training for and thinking about running 26.2 miles. The three weeks before the race especially were focused so strongly on the race. Now its over. What's next?

I would definitely do it again. My knees are a bit uncomfortable with the idea, so I'll see how they recover before I commit. In Medellín I have to train mostly on bricks, concrete and asphalt.

Speaking of Medellín, it's going to be good to see the pup again. Max has been at a kennel outside of town ("camp" as we've been calling it), where he gets to run around in a field all day long with other dogs. He did a trial run the week before Brent left, and he came back tired and happy. I'm sure he's done well there. I hope he hasn't forgotten me.

Brent has found us a new place to live. Which means we have to move. Again.

When we found the place we're in now, I was SO HOPING and we were SO PLANNING to stay there for awhile. But, it does feel far from everything, including his office, and I don't blame him a bit for wanting to shorten that commute. For me, it doesn't matter much, since my work is all at home (well, in Medellín it's mostly at the coffee shop in the mall, because we had to wait for our Colombian paperwork to hook up the internet at home, and that just went through before we left, so we never had a chance to get it). I will enjoy being closer to restaurants and grocery stores, and not having to take an elevator 11 floors to take Max outside.

The new place will enable Brent to have an office on the ground floor, and we will live on the top two floors. There are three little balconies and a much bigger kitchen. I'm in no way looking forward to moving again, especially now that we have furniture, but it'll be good in the long run.

For now, we've got one more day to enjoy here in Colorado, and then we're catching a plane and heading south.