Monday, August 01, 2011

At least it isn´t boring.

I´ve been thinking for the last three days about how to make this long story short.

We came down here to meet a friend who was going to help us with a lot of the moving-to-another-country stuff. From the day we arrived, something seemed a little bit off, and it went steadily in that direction over this past month. We´ve spent most of our time waiting, because even though nothing was coming through, there was never a solid indication that it wouldn´t if we were just patient.

Until Friday. It was ugly. But now we know, which is all we have really wanted since the beginning.

Now we´re starting over, which is made somewhat more difficult by the following:

1. Most of the people we know are connected by two degrees or less to our amiga-turned-enimiga.
2. Three-quarters of our luggage is a 10-hour bus ride away in Santiago, at the home of this woman´s brother.
3. It´s still cold.

More difficult, but not impossible, and in a way we´re rather relieved. Now we can just get on with it, whether here or in Argentina or whatever.

I´ll admit, this kinda sucks. But I still wouldn´t trade it.

1 comment:

Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

Looked at the weather, 50's and 60's. Seems like everything will be better in Buenos Aires!