Thursday, May 02, 2013

A little Krav Maga to get things started.

We have Krav Maga classes on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at the Bahia. I had my first absence on Tuesday, because there were people working on the house and we had to be here, so I was eager to get back into it this morning.

Krav Maga is an Israeli self-defense technique. It's aggressive and a bit brutal -- so, naturally, class is great fun.

There are about 12 of us, give or take a few depending on the day, and I'm usually the youngest participant (there was one day when there was another girl there who might have been younger than me, but not by much). It's really impressive, actually -- most of the participants are retirees in their 60s, but they're all in it to win it and they're doing great.

The instructor is a testament to the idea that you never lose it if you keep using it. He's a certified teacher who has taught and competed in various martial arts for years, and at 68 he's in better shape than any of us.

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