Sunday, July 14, 2013

This volleyball thing gets better and better.

When I lived in Fort Collins (cerca 2008), I joined a volleyball league. We played once a week for four weeks, 4-on-4. Each week involved finding the latest venue, but that's a small price to pay. It was a lot of fun, and it was over too soon.
When I moved to Denver, I looked to join a league. I found some, but with my crazy fitness-teaching schedule, it was so unappealing to have to do that some venue-hunting in a much larger city, with each venue much farther away from the comfort of my warm apartment.

Volleyball was practically unheard of in Argentina, so there was no hope of playing there. I was starting to think I might never get to play my favorite team sport again.

Then we moved to Panama, and there's a whole group of people, coming and going, who love to play this game.

We're on a regular twice-weekly schedule now: every Thursday and Sunday and 3:30. Sometimes we have 25 people, enough for four teams and some subbing. Other times we play 3-on-3 (which is awesome or terrible, depending on the caliber of players that showed up). People of all ages and playing abilities join in, and it's one of things I look most forward to during the week. If you never quit, you never lose it.

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