Monday, September 02, 2013

Brunch and other activities (okay, just brunch) at Gamboa Rainforest Resort.

Panama has Oferta Simple, which is like Groupon -- and one of the deals was a night at the Gamboa Rainforest Resort, a fantastic resort in the...Gamboa...Rainforest. Like it says.

Anyway, three of our best coupled friends bought it with us. Brent and I went to the city on Saturday for a food and beer festival, and we stayed in the city on Saturday night and drove to Gamboa on Sunday morning to meet up with Cat and Mack, Rachel and Josh, and Stephanie and David for brunch.

Though brunch wasn't included with our room deal, we had heard it was an incredible spread so we decided to go early and take advantage. We arrived to be seated at noon. There were only a few other people there, and our waiter told us to eat, drink, and enjoy -- wine, beer, and champagne were all included in the price of the buffet brunch, $35 per person.

Incredible. Salads, steaks, seafood, and SUSHI! We noticed the dining room fill up as we sipped on another mimosa. We barely noticed it thin out again, when Mack announced he was going to the room for a nap. He returned, well-rested, and we had one last glass of wine before going to play some pool volleyball -- at 4:00pm. Four hours of brunch. And Cat and Stephanie weren't done yet -- they hung around until 5:00 and missed the killer volleyball game.

(Turns out I'm not as good in the water as I am on the sand. It's really hard to play pool volleyball without getting your face wet.)

Our rooms were spacious with wonderfully comfortable beds -- one of the best I've slept on in awhile -- and a balcony hammock.

Cat and Stephanie went to bed early, and the rest of us stayed up chatting at the bar before calling it quits.  Despite being excited about the activities that were included with our stay (biking, a night safari, and more), we ended up not doing anything. Except brunch. Brunch was the best activity.

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