Friday, January 31, 2014

Nothing matters when we're dancing.

Incredibly, there's now a ballet studio in tiny little Coronado.

As certain family members know, I had this thing for being on my toes when I was little. I remember wanting to take ballet classes so badly, but if there were any available, they would have been at least an hour away, so it never happened. Plus, I had basketballs and stuff to play with.

So I had to do it. I joined ballet class.

With 10-year-old girls.

The idea was to have an adult class twice a week, but there are only two of us -- so we get one day to ourselves (Tuesdays) and one day with the crazy flexible little girls (Monday).

I've only done a couple of classes so far, but I'm loving it. It's difficult physically, of course, but it also requires so much concentration on my part (new steps, new ways of moving, lots of body parts to coordinate) that it becomes an hour and a half of meditation, as well. I've found it impossible to think of anything else while I'm in class. Only ballet, and how somewhat awkward I am at it.

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