Thursday, July 10, 2014

Burnin' up.

When you live in the tropics, you really shouldn't complain about the heat. That's just the way it is around here:

  • You don't walk short distances if you need to look put together by the time you reach your destination.
  • You take multiple showers every day. (Yesterday I took four. Yes, they were short, but still. Four.)
  • You get used to being slightly sticky all the time. 

We don't have air conditioning in the main room of our condo -- which is fine, most of the time. But sweeping, washing dishes, cooking, or cleaning Nacho's living space all mean sweating like crazy. We shut up the bedroom at night and sleep with the air conditioner on, because otherwise it's just too hot to sleep.

I let slip a heat complaint every now and then, but for the most part I don't get negative about something I can't control. I grow really weary of a couple of friends we have who insist on reporting on the temperature every few days. The benefits of living here tend to outweigh the issues with the heat.

The worst part, though, is that sometimes it makes you crabby. It makes you snap when you shouldn't and wouldn't, in a normal situation. So that part -- that part is really too bad.

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