Friday, August 15, 2014

Ohhh, the food.

Maybe it's just because our most recent comparison is Coronado, where there are only a couple of choices for good restaurants, but eating in Medellin was a dream. Our top meals:

1. Bandeja paisa at the little restaurant in Santa Elena.

2. Ribs at Mu, where the only thing they serve is, as they say, "fukin good ribs."  Have to make note of the killer guacamole that came out as an appetizer.

3. Tacos at Jacinto -- where all they serve is tacos. It reminded Brent and me of La Fabrica del Taco in Buenos Aires.

4. More traditional Colombian fare at Mondongo's. Rice and bacon and banana and meat and an egg, plus a soup that we topped with avocado and cilantro and spicy salsa. Delicious. Brent and I shared an order and were totally full.

5. Chocolate fondue at the House of Chocolate. The only downside to this experience was that we were still pretty full on ribs when we happened upon this place -- but the fondue was delicious and we very nearly cleaned it up, anyway. Note to self: return here and take advantage of making my own personalized chocolate bar, for which this place is well known.

6. Mexican food at Chilaquiles. We can never get enough Mexican food.

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