Wednesday, December 28, 2005

2005: MWM

Read Candyfreak. MWM. It made me laugh.

I like reflecting. Especially when I can clearly see that the coming year is going to be a lot different from the one I just lived. Less than a month. I have started packing. More news on that little adventure some other day.

This year had happy beginnings in Deadwood with some of the best of the beloveds. It only got better.

Mountains Were Moved. By those around me. She's up and running. 93? 94? 95? No one seems to know for sure, but it’s up there. Strength I only hope to know.

By me. Something clicked, performance-wise. I feel stronger as an actor, somehow. I hope it’s true. I’m as mentally and physically powerful as I’ve ever been. I credit much of this to yoga. My emotional rigidity has softened, but with that came a strength of another sort. I cry more easily, sure, but I like those tears. They remind me that I’m human, that I care enough to care. I’m tougher than ever, boys and girls. Try me.

Men With Music. The three who were nearest to my heart in 2005 are music maniacs. They write, they play, they live for it. Their passion is beautiful and contagious. They broadened my musical horizons, for which I am ever grateful, especially since I’m the type who keeps the same ten CDs in her car for months at a time. I’ve even started playing the guitar and writing crappy songs. Three more and I’ll have to start a band of my own. I’ve decided that I’m 100% behind the local musicians, whether they play tunes I'd normally listen to or not. I’m in your corner, folks. There’s little that would make me as happy as shelling out $60 to use binoculars to see you play and telling the fella sitting next to me that I used to watch you sing for six people at a small-town bar, whether you remember my name by then or not.

On another note (ha HA), I cherished my singing lessons from a very talented lady. Thank you, Erin.

Messages Were Mixed. The poet had me spinning, but January '05 and the current state of things were well worth the vertigo. I’d twirl again for that.

Speaking of spiraling, I've witnessed the beginnings of what seems to be a downhill version, the first I've really seen since middle school when bad choices were trendy. When the bottom gets hit, we hope to arise better.

Mayo Was Magnifico. We were still running high on the energy from the success that was Hedwig. I laughed with all the dearest. I graduated from college. I went to Italy. I started my summer-long job as a scenic painter at one of the prettiest and most special places on earth. Ah, May. I knew then how precious those days were, and I cherished them. Somebody once said, “Some memories are better than anything else that will ever happen to you.” While I hope that’s not true, I know that if it is, May is one of those memories.

Mistakes Were Made. I just don’t remember what they were.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

First make sure you're right, then go ahead.

Two points if you know who supposedly said that.

Maybe you've heard. I'm moving to the Netherlands to take care of four little kids for at least a year. I figured it was worth writing about. If you want to keep up to date about my travels and experiences, or perhaps be reminded of why you should or shouldn't have children, this is the place to do it.

It started as a whim, barely a month ago, but it came together with an ease that reassures me. The timing is perfect. The family seems delightful. Maybe I'll learn Dutch. I leave on January 24...I bought my ticket to Amsterdam, as they say.

Until then, I'll be rehearsing Fool for Love. Come see it on January 19, 20, and/or 21. It's a role I've wanted to play for a couple of years now; I'm thrilled with this opportunity. It would mean a great deal to me for everyone I know to be there. If knowing how much it would mean to me isn't enough, it's also a really, really good play. Sam Shepard's best, in my opinion. I'll remind you 6-8 more times between now and then.