Thursday, December 22, 2005

First make sure you're right, then go ahead.

Two points if you know who supposedly said that.

Maybe you've heard. I'm moving to the Netherlands to take care of four little kids for at least a year. I figured it was worth writing about. If you want to keep up to date about my travels and experiences, or perhaps be reminded of why you should or shouldn't have children, this is the place to do it.

It started as a whim, barely a month ago, but it came together with an ease that reassures me. The timing is perfect. The family seems delightful. Maybe I'll learn Dutch. I leave on January 24...I bought my ticket to Amsterdam, as they say.

Until then, I'll be rehearsing Fool for Love. Come see it on January 19, 20, and/or 21. It's a role I've wanted to play for a couple of years now; I'm thrilled with this opportunity. It would mean a great deal to me for everyone I know to be there. If knowing how much it would mean to me isn't enough, it's also a really, really good play. Sam Shepard's best, in my opinion. I'll remind you 6-8 more times between now and then.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, Amanda! I can hardly wait for your first responses after you get there. What a trip this will be!
Yes, I wonder just how it will be watching four little 'crumb snatchers', since you haven't exactly been around kids much before.....but, you can do it. And....there's always peanut butter and jelly sandwiches while you are honing your cooking skills.
But....anyway...this will be an experience of a life time. GO....ENJOY....EXPERIENCE....LOVE!
This is what life is truly about.
