Monday, April 24, 2006

A place for everything.

Carien told me a couple of weeks ago that I would be getting a new couch to replace the two aging couches in my room. (Well, not actually new, but new to me. Dutch Word of the Day: nieuw.) I figured she would let me know when Couch Day had arrived. I intended to straighten up my room a bit before the switch.

Well, the Couch Day notice occurred when the new couch was in the driveway. I had just gotten out of the shower when there was a knock at my door. I answered the door; no one was there, but I saw Carien helping her brother-in-law unload a couch from a truck. I turned back to the general mess that was -- is -- my room.

No saving it from there. We did the couch switch in my messy room, which I made a lame attempt to excuse.

It was during my junior year of college that I finally admitted to myself that I'm not a neat person. Prior to that, I always answered tidiness questions with, "Yes, I like to keep things pretty well-organized." I truly thought of myself as a neat person who occasionally let her space get out of control.

Not so, folks. If you come over unannounced, no matter where I'm living, you will see socks on the floor. There will be piles of papers in more than one location, which will include upwards of a dozen bizarre lists. No fewer than three travel guides will be open to seemingly random pages. You will likely find used kleenex on the stand by my bed. There will be four empty water bottles, one of which is turned on its side. My bed will be unmade. I am messy, and I'm tired of being embarrassed about that.

What I'm saying is that I've got a new couch. It's incredibly comfortable. You can sleep there. Come visit. I might even clean things up a bit.

1 comment:

Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

I intend to visit... I just need to figure out things like, where I'm gonna live, get a real job, and save some money... once I get that.. I'll be over to visit. I just hope you're still there!