Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Arbeit Macht Frei

The most important part of my time in Poland was a trip to Auschwitz. It's something I've always felt I had to do, something I feel everyone should do.

It doesn't matter how many books you've read, how many stories you've heard, how much studying you've done about the war and the Holocaust. You're not prepared to see what's left of it. I was there, in the midst of it, standing in a solitary confinement cell, wandering through the walled yard where thousands of people were shot, staring into the former gas chambers, and I still couldn't get my head around it. It was so recent. The pond next to the crematoriums is still gray with the ash of the people who should still be alive today. You feel terrible, and you want to feel worse, and you know that it's still not enough, could never be enough.


Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

Definately something I want to do someday... not because I think it'll be an amazing experience, but only for the fact that I know this happened but I don't feel a connection to it and I don't think until I see it I can truely grasp it. Going to DC to visit Greg this weekend... was thinking last week I might want to go to the holocaust museum... maybe we'll do it. I heard it's pretty intense.

Have a great weekend dear!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had quite an experience. Kyle, while visiting in Germany, went to a concentration camp. He went on and on about it - we just can't grasp the whole idea. You are living such a great life and getting a great history and geography lesson! Keep enjoying and let us know about your travels - it is great to see things through your eyes.

Sandy Linster

Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

Oprah was at Auschqitz today... well not today, but the show aired today. Looks like they had the place to themselves... were there a lot of people touring when you were there?

Ok, that was my question. Safe Travels my dear. Enjoy Ireland!