Sunday, July 16, 2006

Beaches and bars, continued.

I'm back. I promised these things.

and (introducing my new hair)

The other best thing about Lagos was that Portugal played against England during my stay there. We watched the game in a bar -- there were only two Portuguese people in the place, but what they lacked in number they made up for in spirit. The game was intense, but "we" (sure, I claimed them) pulled it off. Of course, they played France a few days later, when I was in Lisbon, and lost. Sadness.


Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

Your hair is adorable! Glad you had fun. The place is beautiful!

I was in Canada when Italy played Germany. Of course I was rooting for Italy... liitle did I know that part of the country was too. After the game I saw a vicotry riot in the street so big you would have thought I was in downtown Rome!

Soccer... who knew?

Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

And Welcome Back! :) I've missed you!!!

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