Thursday, October 26, 2006


It was fairly late on a Tuesday night when I returned home from Scotland, and the next morning I was met with the following message as Carien hurried out the door to work: "Pete has lice." Rick was also leaving for work that day, so I was left alone for three days with the task of getting rid of the little buggers.

Mostly, this meant laundry. Anything the kids took off, touched, or looked at was thrown into the washing machine. You can imagine the ironing project that followed. I didn't know that many clothes existed.

It also meant meticulous checking of the children's heads. Luckily, after Pete had his head full of the no-more-lice medicine for a day, I didn't find any critters on any heads. Maybe, just maybe, we were in the clear.

And we were. Until the following Wednesday in Germany when Carien found lice on Ed's head, which prompted a search revealing lice on Pete and Carl. The project began again. We put no-more-lice medicine on the kids' heads. We vacuumed. We bagged everything, as we had no washing machine. We itched and itched and itched, but despite knowing for sure that we all had them, we couldn't find them anywhere else.

To date there have been no more lice sightings, though precautions are still being taken. Lots of toys are still hanging out in plastic bags. The lice comb is still on hand. The other day I found Rick's pilot hat in the freezer. No wonder he can't keep track of it.


Anonymous said...

I went through this "fun" procedure with my daycare in my house. The mother couldn't understand why I wanted her daughter to be checked by the Dr. before she could come back - the work trying to get rid of them is never ending. I bagged stuffed animals, closed off rooms for a week etc. Hopefully they are gone. You have my condolences!


Freeze_Dried_Brilliance said...

Sounds like fun... don't let the kids into any other room but the shower... they are probably picking up lice from school... get them bathed and into new clothes as soon as they get home!