Friday, August 31, 2007

A Tourist in my Homeland, and Rumblings of the Future

Bas and Rik left last Saturday after a fun-filled week of horseback riding, mountain carvings, museums, a rodeo, hiking, and every traditional mid-western food I could think of.

Ruud stayed on, and will be here until Tuesday. We've kept busy near and far with Devils Tower, Storybook Island, Reptile Gardens, and more hiking.

Unfortunately, I don't think I've been the easiest person to live with these past few weeks. I was rather grumpy, because of all the things I could think to do with the next few months, none of them were striking me as THE thing. I was restless.
But then. One day. It came to me. And now, two days later, I've put the wheels in motion. It'll only keep me busy for about a month or so, and there are a few things that have to come through before it's a definite, but it's looking good. I'll tell you more as things come together. For now, just know that by October 9, I'll be out of the country.


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for showing us around, Amanda! Black Hills are cool

Anonymous said...

Beam me up Scotty, where do they find these people? That lady sitting in the front at the rodeo is Judy "trigger happy" Mccoy. She was expelled from Edgemont High School when she was a freshman for armed robbery, she held up the Edgemont bank and got away with twenty five thousands. She spendt all the money on candy and chewing tobacco. And she has a tattoo on her arm "Swamp Boogie Queen." She carries a small pistol in her bra.

Not someone you would want to meet in a dark alley...beam me up Scotty!