Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Mail Call

It has arrived. After three tense weeks of wondering (and two days of not being able to get a person on the phone at the consulate) my visa to INDIA has landed safely in my mailbox.

On October 9, I will take a 14-hour flight to Indira Gandhi International Airport to begin my month of studying yoga in India.

These last weeks have been busy with preparations. I've done the required reading. I'm immune to a handful of diseases, some I'd never even heard of before they injected me with them. I have a prescription to prevent malaria and bottles of high-powered insect repellant. Ready? Not even close. But I'm working on it.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Working Girl

To eat the time between now and take-off (October 9, remember), I took a job at the Hotel Alex Johnson as -- get this -- a bellboy. Er, bellperson? Bellgirl? Bellhop is what they usually come out with, but my time log says, "bellperson," which I think is really funny.

It's quite a time. I enjoy it for the most part -- lots of people to see, lots of luggage to haul, lots of brass to polish. The guests seem to enjoy my presence, as well, as it is unusual to meet a female bellhop. "Do you lift weights?" "Don't hurt yourself." "Did you grow up on a farm?" "Will you come wash my windows?"

I also get to do the valet parking, which has led to numerous quietly experienced adventures that I will keep to myself. I consider it an opportunity to test drive a lot of vehicles. My favorites thus far?

1. Lexus
2. Kia Spectra
3. XTerra
4. Highlander
5. Hummer

Just kidding on number 5. I drove one today, but we can't call that a favorite. I couldn't see a thing -- I probably ran over half the city just driving it down the block.

As for the quickly approaching October 9? I'm still waiting to get the visa. I'll keep you posted.