Sunday, August 07, 2011

Expense report.

We had characterized all Latin American countries as being relatively inexpensive, but we´ve found that Chile is more or less on par with home. The good news here is that we´ll be able to charge prices for our services that are similar to what we charge in the States. The bad news is that we´re not working yet.

Restaurants are slightly more expensive, although most of them offer great set lunch menus for US$5-7. Produce is much cheaper than at home, but most other groceries are comparable or more expensive. City buses seem reasonable, though I have no basis for comparison.

We´ve asked around, and it seems rent is quite a bit cheaper, but we´ll find out how it comes out after the water and electric bill when we get our own place.

Our most important purchases so far, in order of awesomeness and survival necessity, include:

1. Hedgehog slippers
2. Space heater
3. Raincoat

In other news, I am making consistently stellar cookies, which are not only delicious but provide for an excellent excuse to stand over the oven, which is the warmest place in the house.

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