Monday, September 12, 2011

Really, Argentina? Really?

We love living here, but wherever in the world you go, you will come across a few things that make you go, ''Oh, come ON!''
  • Buses will hit you. Cars will hit you. Taxis will hit you. They are not afraid. Your best chance of survival is to be in the crosswalk when there is a pedestrian light, and it is set to ''go'', but even that is not a guarantee. And not all crosswalks have those. And some intersections don`t have official crosswalks. Good luck.
  • Some restaurants have a cover charge. It's just a few dollars, usually, and it is mentioned on the menu and added to your bill at the end. According to my guidebook, this covers the use of utensils. What if I bring my own?
  • You need a note from a doctor in order to join a gym.
  • You need someone who owns property in Buenos Aires proper to sign off on you if you want to rent. We got around this with our apartment because we are renting from one of Brent's old friends, and there are ways around it with the office, but they are painful things like paying someone to sign off on you, or paying six months of rent up front.
  • The dinner hour is very late here, 9:00-midnight. The awesome Mexican restaurant down the street opens at 8:00, and we have been the first people there at that time on two occasions. We're hungry!
  • Breakfast is sort of a non-thing, so if you want to go out for breakfast, you have your choice of coffee or coffee and a croissant at any of the many cafes around the city. We haven't been out to breakfast, but we love breakfast and do miss the opportunity to go get some killer french toast. Well, the french toast part, that's mostly just me.
  • The cinnamon is a joke. In Chile, too. I don´t get it. It looks different, smells different, and tastes different than the substance I have known as cinnamon all my life. It's still recognizable as cinnamon, but it's not as powerful and not nearly as good. This is a blow to a girl who is used to eating and loving cinnamon every single day.
  • Clothes, shoes, and electronics range from kinda to silly expensive, and there is no Kohl´s equivalent.

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