Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Get out the vote.

The Argentine presidential election is this Sunday. I knew it was happening this year, as there are a lot of billboards and posters around the city, and the televisions ads have started, but I didn´t know it was on Sunday until someone in Spanish class asked the teacher. Maybe it´s because the campaigning feels rather mild here as compared to the US -- the TV commercials, for example, seem to be largely positive, each candidate just has one or two, and they´re not shown that often. There are a handful of candidates, maybe six or so, at least who have commercials.

The front runner is Cristina (yep, just like Madonna, she goes by one name), who is the current president. Our teacher rolled her eyes and said she wasn´t even going to vote, she´s so sure Cristina will win. From what I could understand, it seems that Cristina is heavily supported by the poorer areas of the country, as she backs a welfare program that makes getting a job seem like a poor decision. This sounds harsh, but I´m translating to you from what I heard in Spanish. I might have just made all that up, I don´t know.

It is illegal for any store or restaurant to sell alcohol this Saturday and Sunday, because we don´t want drunk people deciding the future.

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