Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I love the unknown (and the universe is working hard to remind me of that).

I trust in the due-timeliness of the universe, and it's certainly not that things are going poorly here, but I've started to feel a little uneasy.

I know myself well enough to know that this is due, 100%, or at least 99%, to the fact that I am not busy enough. The working situation we had envisioned before we ever boarded a plane has not worked out. This was fine, because I went to Spanish school instead. But now that's over, and even though I study every day on my own, I have come to realize that I am putting the bank CEO´s kid through college thanks to all my atm fees, and I need to work.

I have been browsing job listings here, which are limited for me with my lack of Spanish. Plus, it's the same problem I always ran into in the motherland: I don't really want to work for someone else.

Having just celebrated (awesomely, thanks to Brent) my 29th birthday, I can't help but reflect a bit. I am excited to be here, excited to get Vemma up and running in this country, but the truth is that I simply haven't found my driving force yet. I feel weird about that, almost guilty, but although there are many things I enjoy doing, I haven't found one that I'm willing to give up all the rest for.

I know it's out there. This might be the year. I don't believe in being ordinary, so something will come about. In the meantime, my head is rattling, I'm spending all day looking for ideas (breaking only to go to the gym, study the espaƱol, or make pumpkin bread), and counting on my survive/thrive genius to pull me out of what has become a little slump.

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