Wednesday, December 07, 2011

It's so nice to take a class rather than teach it for a change.

We're a month into our membership at our second gym, and this one, I think, is a keeper. Despite its higher cost, we chose it due to its proximity to our apartment and its extensive group fitness schedule.

I've attended several classes with a variety of instructors in the morning and early afternoon. Although I'm not a big fan of the instructors not using a microphone in such a large room with such loud music, the classes are still easy to follow. The instructors don't tend to make a lot of individual corrections, but if someone is way off base, they make an effort to put him or her back on track. Eh, the fitness floor could use some refinishing, but otherwise I'm pretty impressed by what they're offering. In fact, fitness instructors and fitness goers at home could learn a thing or two:

1. So far, I've seen more male fitness instructors than female. At home, the vast majority of instructors are women. And women do a great job; I should know, as I am one. I'm just saying that it would be nice to see more male fitness enthusiasts stepping up, saying, "This is a valid way to exercise," and encouraging more men to attend classes.

2. The fitness instructors are in shape. Good shape. They could not be mistaken for a potential couch potato; it's obvious that fitness is a major part of their lives. At home...this is true about half the time. Walk the walk.

3. Classes end with a long stretch. At home, the final stretch usually gets squeezed into the last minute or two, and some participants leave before it's over. Which leads me to...

4. No one leaves early! The only time I've seen people leave early is when it's obvious they have to go somewhere -- they acknowledge and thank the instructor on the way out. And they often quit working out a few minutes before that and go stretch by themselves in the corner. At home, people will walk out -- in a huff -- if the class is not what they expected. Sometimes you have to do that, but you never have to be grumpy about it.

5. The only prechoreographed classes (classes designed by a company, which instructors get certified in and are required to teach exactly as they are) are from Les Mills (huge fitness organization, with challenging workouts). Everything else on the schedule is freestyle (planned by the instructor). And the classes are very well attended.

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