Wednesday, September 19, 2012

It's not that I wanted to stay, I just didn't want to leave.

Now having been back in Argentina for about a month, it's especially easy to admit I wish I hadn't have had to come back quite as soon as I did.  Two points of note:
  • Brent lost my umbrella while I was gone so, gentleman that he is, he bought us a new one. The unfortunate part of this is that the new one is Argentine, and it broke after two uses.
  • The first rule in my gym´s locker room is "No smoking."
Otherwise, things are about the same, which is to say great in the general life scheme of things, and challenging/tough in the daily life scheme of things. We are still searching for the next great adventure. Brent is still making beer. I am still finding random yoga students. We are learning more about each other every day, and there's a special sort of peace and love in that alone.

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