Friday, December 14, 2012

Culture shock.

When I went home to visit in August, I was struck by the friendliness of all the airport workers as I made my way through customs and immigration. I kept wishing I had a question for them, just so I could talk to them.  Sorry to say it, but I had almost forgotten that some people just do their jobs, even as if they enjoy them.

This time, I was prepared for that, but it delighted me all the same. There was friendly assistance everywhere I turned! As I was walking down a long hall, there was a airport worker standing there, just standing, in the middle of that long walkway, and it seemed like his only job was to say,"Good morning to you" and "Welcome to the US".  There was a pilot walking ahead of me, and this man thanked him for his service!  I was smiling from deplaning to waiting for my next flight.

And with that, I am back in South Dakota, sipping egg nog and being so so so happy that there is no snow on the ground.

Brent wanted one more Argentinean working week, so he is leaving on Saturday. I will be interested to hear how he felt upon being welcomed back home by dozens of people he doesn't even know, and I look forward to meeting him in Colorado for Christmas.

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