Friday, February 01, 2013

Welcome to Panama

It's a breezy day, but hot, and I've got the air conditioner on because I've been moving about the cabin, getting things put away as best I can.  (What you should take from that is that we have air conditioning! Yay!) 

Temperature-wise, each day is like the last.  Gorgeous and sunny.  It's hot, but not unbearably so.  I went running at 8:00am this morning.  Thanks to my altitude lungs via Denver, it was delightfully easy. 

Brent's dad, who retired here last April, has been showing us the lay of the land and introducing us to so many cool people.  Already we've uncovered where to find organic skin care products (perhaps not as exciting for the guys as it is for me), organic foods, and all sorts of other fantastic things that will come in more handy when we have a permanent living situation.

Our place is really nice, but it's a cabin like a hotel room.  One big room.  Huge balcony/deck.  No stove.  We're looking around this month and deciding where we need to be.  On Monday, we're going to the city (that would be Panama City) to see if we might like it there.

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