Saturday, March 30, 2013

Good Friday? Stay home.

Good Friday is serious business in Panama. The entire week is all about the party, so on Thursday (the first of the back-to-back national holidays), 66% of the city heads to the beach (that's a million people, for those of you keeping track at home).  Brent had the misfortune of taking a friend to the airport on Thursday. Getting in was no problem. Getting out took four hours from the bridge -- usually a one-hour drive -- and that was after a couple of hours just trying to get from the airport to the bridge.

First things first: no drinking, no music, no joy on Friday. Stores and restaurants are forbidden from selling alcoholic beverages.

Then, be careful not to offend anyone. On Good Friday, if someone gives you "the evil eye", you are required to go to their house the following day with a blanket. The offended person will pee on the blanket, and you have to wrap yourself in it: a small price to pay for forgiveness, obviously.

Oh, and don't go swimming, or you'll turn into a fish. Seriously, the beaches were empty.

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Steve Finnell said...
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