Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Oceanfront Property

Sometimes, when you get offered a job you didn't apply for and didn't even know was available, you say, "Thank you, universe" and get on with it.

That's how it went here a couple of weeks ago, which is why we're gearing up to be very, very busy kids, indeed.

Inside Panama is a company full of some of the coolest people selling some of the best real estate in Panama, and now we're going to play, too.

First up: managing a handful of properties in Gorgona. This activity is new to me, but Brent has a lot of experience with it. We had our first check-in yesterday, and it was fun, getting to be with people in the first few moments that they pull into town, full of an excitement that is absolutely contagious. They're going to love it here! Because it's awesome here! I love it here! Hooray!

Also first up, we get to play expert to a spectacular resort called the Bahia. We're currently spending a few nights there to get to know the property and the employees. Gorgeous condos, gorgeous views. Brent doesn't know it yet, but he's in for a fight over who gets to sleep closest to the ocean.

So, you open your eyes, without even getting up, to see this....

Then you start thinking you'll make a day of it, so you stand up, take three steps, and bring it into focus....

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