Friday, April 26, 2013

Bahia Thursday: Volleyball and Happy Hour

I usually go for a margarita, but when George
said his most popular drink is a pina colada,
I had to find out why.
Our long-held vision (okay, about two months) of a Happy Hour at the Bahia finally materialized last night. We combined it with our deep-rooted love of volleyball, and had a great game going until we had to interrupt it for margaritas. What can I say? Life gets rough.

George fired up his poolside grill and offered free chicken wings before making his regular menu available to order. We had a great turn-out, especially considering that this was our first Bahia Thursday and we just managed to get the word out on Tuesday. Lucky for us, it doesn't take long for mention of good cocktails and good friends to make the rounds in the beach community.

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