Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I can't call it "work".

We started helping out at the Bahia in Gorgona by accident: we met the right people (the good folks at Inside Panama) who asked us to do the right thing (show people the models at the Bahia, would you?) at the right time (now). Consumed with our own projects, and unsure at the time if we were even going to stay in Panama, we hadn't been looking for that kind of work, but after we saw the place, we were hooked.

And now, our "job", if you can call it that, is showing people how to get out of their rut back home and into a new beach life at the Bahia. Or not the Bahia. Who cares? It's fantastic place for those who want high-rise condo living with all the amenities, and we have our eye set on living there one day when our current arrangement is over.

But it's not for everyone, and that's okay. Find what is. Living abroad has enriched our lives beyond words, and we want everyone to have that experience, even if it's just for a short while.

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