Friday, April 19, 2013

Look for me in the pool.

I grew up in a landlocked state way out in the country. There was no public pool within 90 minutes in any direction, so I didn't grow up learning to swim before I could walk. I remember that I was not, and am still not, a very big fan of putting my head under the water. In fact, when I finally learned to swim as a pre-teen, I taught myself quickly out of fear of my grandmother making me take lessons where they would, of course, make me put my head under water.

Therefore, to this day, I swim an inefficient stroke with my head held high above the surface. Brent is determined to fix this.

The trouble was, I'm still no water baby. I don't really enjoy pools as much as some people seem to. I don't love being in the water.

Rather, I didn't.

Panama is plenty warm, and we try not to run the air conditioner all that much. If I'm home during the hottest parts of the day, I head straight for the pool. And I love it.

The house we're taking care of right now has a glorious pool, as does the one we're moving into tomorrow. In fact, most houses around here do, because a backyard pool is JUST THAT AWESOME.

So Brent's faith in my ability to learn to swim more efficiently with my head under water has been renewed. I am going out to practice my bubbles.

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