Friday, May 10, 2013

Rainy season? Yes, please.

For our purposes, rainy season started about four days ago, when the scorching early morning heat gave way to overcast skies and a pleasant coolness, resulting in about an hour of rain in the afternoon, followed by additional coolness. Not jacket-cool, mind you, just pleasant and comfortable.

Living in the arco seco (dry arc) of Panama has its benefits. I've heard horror stories about rainy season in Costa Rica and other parts of the tropics: all rain, all day, every day, for months. The last few days have confirmed what others here have told us: in the Coronado beach area, rainy season means a few hours of rain each afternoon.

The plants are loving it, as well, and the grass is turning green after months without water. Just be careful with those clouds -- they make you think you might not be getting sunburned when, in fact, you are.

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