Saturday, May 04, 2013

The cook's in the kitchen.

Making cake batter fudge sounds like a great idea, which it is -- which is why it is also a very, very bad idea.

Having a real kitchen again has me back in cooking and baking mode, and we're currently the victims of a brand new recipe for cake batter fudge: two very awesome things in one. And the best part of preparation is that I didn't have to use the stove or the oven, so I didn't heat up the house any more than the outside world was already doing!

Cooking here in Panama is a huge upgrade from cooking in Argentina last year, where we were unable to find a lot of basic ingredients. Panama has a lot available. There are three main grocery stores in Coronado: Machetazo, Super 99, and El Rey. Between the three of them, plus the small natural food and products store Organica, they manage to provide me with pretty much everything I need.

Of course, I've also got a blender again, so that puppy is in use every day. I've made hummus, maracuya/melon juice, and a variety of smoothies. The fruit situation in Panama lends itself well to smoothie-making, and my refrigerator is currently full of fresh pineapple, melon, mango, papaya, and bananas. Add some hazelnut milk and you've got breakfast.

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