Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Wally Dooglas in the house!

That's the text I got on Friday night, when our friend Doug landed at the airport. (The Argentinians very regularly mispronounced his name, and their variation remains a favorite for all of us.) Brent drove to the city to get him, and they stopped by Locos on the way home.

We met Doug in Argentina -- he became one of our closest Casa Bar friends. He moved to Denver just a couple of months before we left Argentina for good, and we spent New Year's Eve with him when we pit stopped in Denver before coming to Panama. And now he's HERE and we love it!

We've been enjoying the beach and happy hour and whatnot, and he has just left for the city, where he will spend the day exploring before we go in to see him once more before he goes -- and to greet my aunt and sister when they arrive!

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