Saturday, July 20, 2013

Panama Food Porn

While I was writing travel reviews for the now sadly defunct IgoUgo, I took a lot of food pictures so I had them to accompany my restaurant reviews. IgoUgo shut down earlier this year to merge with Travelocity or something, and now I'm left with pictures of a lot of gorgeous and delicious food, and nothing to do with them. So here they are.

Best fish tacos in Boquete at Big Daddy's.

My Italian salad was AWESOME at Art Cafe in Boquete.

Our friend's crepe at Art Cafe.

Greek salad -- I LOVE Greek salad, and went through a phase where I ordered one at nearly every restaurant we tried.

Brent's club sandwich at Super Gourmet in Casco Viejo.

My incredible fish on a bed of veggies at Ego y Narciso, Casco Viejo.

Brent's steak and potatoes at Ego y Narciso.

Lebanese sampler plate at Beirut. LOVE this restaurant.

My own cooking: a Thai coconut soup with mushrooms and broccoli - one of our favorites at home.

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