Saturday, September 07, 2013

Enough's enough.

So. Real estate is not my thing.

I was never a real agent here -- that was never the intention. (Aside from that one day when I showed some people a few houses, which only served to remind me that I would HATE being a real agent.) But when we were asked, shortly after arriving in Panama, if we would be the go-to people for the Bahia Resort in Gorgona, it was a no-brainer. Of course, we'll step in and earn commissions on condos that people are going to buy, because eventually, they will buy every single one. All we had to do was make ourselves available and spend some time at the Bahia (have you seen that place? Not a bad gig) to catch any walk-ins.

Here's some news. There are no walk-ins at Bahia. It's off the main roads, so it's not like people are just driving by and see it. I spent hours there, and I only had one walk-in. Turns out, he was a real estate agent with another company, so when he called and asked to see the condo a second time, then showed up with his clients, I was a bit surprised. They didn't buy, so I didn't get a portion of an already portioned commission, anyway.

Gradually, I started being there less often. I'd drop by rather than spend my entire day there. Other agents were carefully working their way around me, anyway, because they didn't WANT to share a commission (though my share wouldn't have come out of theirs, anyway, they were still wary -- so sales were happening, and I wasn't getting paid on them). Spending time there was a huge waste of my time, when I had other things to be doing: Thai bodywork, yoga classes, and so on.

So, I gave it up, and it's such a relief. I resented every hour I spent there, and I felt guilty for every hour I didn't spend there.

It's always hard for me to be a quitter, but I've got bigger fish to fry.

And in good news, I did end up getting paid for the sales I helped facilitate, so it wasn't a total wash.

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