Saturday, September 28, 2013

Potluck? I'm in.

One of the most incredible things about our life in Panama is our friends.

This community has been so warm, welcoming, and supportive. When I look at the numbers in my phone, I think that I could call any one of them at any time if I needed help. I lived in Denver for about three years, and I couldn't say the same about my little directory there. Not that I didn't know great people in Denver -- they were, are, very great, and I love many of them very much -- but for the most part, In Case of Minor Emergency, they lived too far away or I wouldn't have wanted to bother them or we just weren't THAT close, or something.

Here, everyone supports one another, everyone is very helpful, and we regularly get together and have a fantastic time. There are beautiful ocean views, great food, and like-minded conversation every time.

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