Monday, February 24, 2014

Dry season hits you harder the second time around.

We arrived in Panama at the start of the dry season. I remember nonstop hot, sunny days, and trying to go on a run before 7:00am. Then rainy season arrived in April, and that was great.

Now we're well into dry season again, and I'm wondering how in the heck I could have forgotten exactly what it was like.  We're back to those non-stop hot, sunny days -- they just seem to be more intense this time around.

Maybe it was because we were so busy settling in to life here, we didn't really notice. Or maybe we've just gotten so spoiled on rainy season (it does last about eight months, after all). I don't know, but what I do know is that even though this is our second time through the dry season, it feels brand new.

Another thing I had sort of forgotten was the wind. I do remember last March, how it would whip through the Bahia lobby, but I don't remember it being everywhere, all season long.

It's actually kind of nice -- it's not too strong (yet), and it creates a great breeze through our condo and keeps it at a pretty comfortable temperature even though we don't have air conditioning in the main room.

But...  I will be glad when the rainy season rolls around again, and we're gifted with overcast days, thunderstorms, and a green landscape. And probably some bugs.

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