Thursday, February 06, 2014

Verve MoJoe on the way!

83% of adult Americans are coffee drinkers. (I became one of them myself, after meeting Brent and very nearly freezing ourselves into a coma in Chile.) As a nation we consume 146 billion cups per year.

Now, being in a coffee-producing nation, we have access to some really fantastic coffee. Gotta say, though, that I'm still really excited about Verve's latest incarnation: MoJoe, an iced coffee beverage. Coming soon -- it'll have all the same stellar nutrition you can expect from Vemma with premium natural coffee and 80mg of natural caffeine, no artificial sweeteners/colors/flavors, no high fructose corn syrup, and no dairy.

As an official coffee drinker of three years, I can. Not. Wait.

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