Saturday, March 15, 2014

How many hats?

It feels good to be busy, but holy smokes.

Over the last few months, things have really picked up. We managed to weed out the nasty time-suckers that didn't pay off, and we're left with what we do best. In my case, that seems to be a great many things. It's sort of become a joke, that I'm the one with 18 jobs or whatever. Never gets boring, baby!

Something I think I've failed to mention over the past few months, which is a weird oversight because it's so bizarre even in my own mind: I'm teaching Spanish.

To beginners, mind you, but Spanish, nonetheless. Sometimes I hardly believe it, when I stand up there and grammar-Nazi the heck out of them (I have a knack for it in both languages), that after what feels like ages of struggling to speak Spanish, I can actually trust myself to accurately teach it to others.

I still have a long way to go, and I'm the first one to admit that. I will not be teaching advanced language students any time soon. In fact, that's a class I could probably still stand to be in. But, weird as it is, I've got a pretty darn good handle on Spanish. I'm not afraid to talk on the phone (in either language). I don't freak out if someone approaches me with a Spanish-speaking tongue. And I teach a Spanish class!

It's so much fun. The students are all adults, some of whom know so little they actually forget that they do know hola and gracias. It's a lot of laughing and, when I come across the students that actually do their homework and apply themselves, it's quite a bit of learning, too.

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