Friday, June 20, 2014

Gone fishin'.

I do remember having a fishing pole when I was kid. I remember where it came from, and I even remember using it. I do not, however, remember ever catching a fish.

So, for our purposes, we have to say that the fish I caught yesterday was my first ever.

This photo, and all of today's photos, brought to you by Cat Mandell.

He was also the first fish to be caught that day, and the first to be thrown back. (I did catch many more throughout the day that were worthy of keeping.)

It was Cat's birthday on Wednesday, so the fishing trip was in honor of her. It was only that she should catch the biggest fish.

Mack and our friends Josh and Rachel came along. Brent was working and was unable to join us.

We left early, and I believe yesterday also marked the first time I've ever had an alcoholic beverage in my hand when the sun came up. (Just a little mimosa, folks. We're fishing here.)

The five of us went out on a little pontoon boat on Lake Gatun, about an hour or so from where we live. It was spoiled-little-girl fishing: our guide baited our hooks and took the fish of them for us. Awesome!

At the end of the day (1:30 or so), the five of us had caught 54 fish. They were expertly filleted and packaged, and we drove home, tired but happy.

I managed to escape serious sunburn (just a little on the chest), but I was still beat and opted out of the semi-weekly volleyball game. I was on hand, though, when George at the Bahia fried our fish for us, and a group of maybe 12 of us enjoyed it with Mack's spicy tartar sauce.

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