Tuesday, May 07, 2013

The quest for clean(er) water.

The tap water in Panama is fine to drink, and I usually order it at restaurants to avoid buying bottled water, which I always hate to do. When I'm thirsty I just take it from the tap, no problem.

However, just like in the State, I know there's stuff in that water I'd like to filter out, so we do. In our first place, we had a handy filter that fit right over the tap. Even though it came with a bunch of different connectors to accommodate different faucet styles, none of them are built to handle the particular spigots in this house.

So, we bought a Culligan pitcher filter. Perfect!

Until about a week later, when the filter started merely dripping the water through. It took HOURS (no joke) to get one reservoir through the filter. When we left it all night and it still wasn't finished by morning, we figured it was faulty.

So we bought a new cartridge and all was well. Fast forward about a week, and it's happening again.

We drink a lot of water, and would probably be well-advised to replace the filters more often than the recommended two months. However, I've gone through a lot of water filtration systems in my day, and even at the point of replacement, they were still letting water through -- whether it was clean or not is why I was on my way to buy a new cartridge, but the water still came through.

I don't feel like we could have purchased two faulty cartridges in a row. Maybe Culligan makes crappy products, but I doubt that, too. The only remaining conclusion is that there is so much crap in the water that it's clogging up the filter within seven days -- a good reason to keep filtering.

Unfortunately, new filters every week is not a terribly economical way to do it. I'll keep you posted.

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