Monday, July 21, 2014

Everyone loves beach volleyball.

Last week, a pelican touched down on the beach very near to where we play volleyball, and he stayed there for quite awhile. It was the closest I had ever been to one for a prolonged period of time -- they're so big and beautiful. I love the pelicans.

This week, he returned. And this time, he set up camp right beside the pole for the net. He doesn't seem hurt, but I wonder if he's well -- it doesn't seem like your average pelican would just hang out with a bunch of humans and one very unpredictable ball. Maybe he just loves volleyball.

The bird remains unimpressed by Marek's antics.

We played our game like usual (almost usual...I was a little distracted by him). He would watch, then he'd look at the ocean for awhile, then he would watch again. At one point the ball rolled toward him and against him, and he just spread his enormous wings and hopped away from it.

Update: THIS is the closest I've ever been to a pelican for a prolonged period of time.

After an hour or so, he flew just slightly farther away, and stood there looking out at the water.

He arrived at the court just before I did, and he was still there when I left -- so he hung out for at least an hour and a half.

Such a handsome guy. I hope he's okay. I hope he comes back next time.

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