Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Tickets to COLOMBIA!

When we came to Panama, our grand idea was to visit Brent's dad and use the isthmus as a jumping-off point to spend long lengths of time in Colombia.

A year and a half later, we've still not been there.

But that's all changing on August 2, when we fly to Medellin for a week in The City of Eternal Spring. Two of our friends are going with us and we're looking forward to a great time, despite my brother's prediction that we will be kidnapped by the cartel. The truth is that Colombia has cleaned up its act quite a lot over the last few years. Everyone we know who has visited has loved it, and Brent recently spoke with a Colombian business-owner from the States who said the crime rate in Washington, D.C. is worse than it is in Medellin.

Vemma is opening in Colombia this month (pre-orders) and August (deliveries!), and we're excited to meet some of the leaders there. We'll be hitting town during the annual flower festival, which I've read is quite the event. Also on the agenda: food.

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