Sunday, September 28, 2014


Our first trip to Chicago, and we were delighted.

We got back to Chicago on Sunday after the wedding in Michigan. We were a little early to check into our next airbnb apartment, so we watched football. Then we checked in. Then we watched more football.

That evening, we went to see a show at Improv Olympic, but not before going into the 3rd largest Whole Foods in the world, which is right across the street. Really hard not to do a serious shopping spree there.

Monday was Lincoln Park and the zoo (much bigger than I thought it would be) and lots of walking around before a game at Wrigley of the last ones in this 100th season at that park.

Tuesday was museum day, which turned into only one museum: the Art Institute. We were there for about four hours. It was enormous. Really, really good. Just so, so big.

That night, we managed to connect with a friend of mine from college, and he took us to a great taco place and a local brewery before we parted ways, only to meet up again later that night at a piano bar. 

I enjoyed Chicago more than I ever imagined I would. We'd both like to go back.

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