Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Let them look at cake.

The market seemed a little thin on Sunday, and when Brent got to talking to one of the vendors, we learned that it was because some of the other vendors were at a food festival at the convention center at Plaza Mayor.

Food? Okay! we thought, so we walked our purchases back to our apartment, consulted the map, determined it was a long but doable walk to the convention center, and we headed out. Luckily, since it was Sunday, Avenida Poblado was blocked off for pedestrian use and we were able to follow it for probably four miles before we had to turn left and walk just a bit further.

We happened to arrive just as the festival was opening for the day. When we walked in, it didn't seem like much -- a bunch of disinterested-looking wine vendors. But we walked through that and into another room -- and that's where it got awesome.

There was so much. We walked through it all twice, then realized we'd totally missed an upstairs AND a downstairs!  And downstairs is where they were holding a cake decorating contest.

I would have loved to watch it until the end, but the Broncos were playing that afternoon so Brent was in a bit of a rush to get me home and get himself to the right television channel. No matter -- we were at the festival for about four hours. Very well done.

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